My YouTube Channel...
As a winter project going forwards, I have decided to start my own YouTube Channel. I will be bringing my veiwers the best coaching advice, golf fitness, videos on my travel & my tuition breaks and much much more!
Subscribe NOW for FREE:
Online Lessons...
Send me two videos of your golf swing (face on and down the target line) along with as much detail as you can provide about the ball flights you get, what happens when you play well, what happens when you don’t play well and the targets you are aiming to achieve within your game.
The online lesson can be done on full swings, short game, bunkers and putting.
For only £15.00, I will aim to get a personalised video explaining what you can work on, what drills can help you and demonstrations of what needs to be improved.
This will be emailed to you within a couple of days, worst case scenario the same week! Click on the video to the right for an example above of what you will receive...
FREE Swing Advice...
If you have subscribed to my newsletter you will receive your free swing advice each month! As a little special, below you will find a couple of swing advice notes for different parts of your game.
Don't forget to 'like' my social media pages to keep up to date...